After returning to Arizona, Daniel finds himself in a time of struggle and misery. He must decide if he can move on or let the darkness cave him in.
Starring: Chris Beauchamp, Jim Shea, Adele Shea, Josephine Beauchamp, Kendra Baltins, Jennifer Baker, & Phyllis Rexroat
Directed & Written By: Chris Beauchamp
Filmed By: Chris Beauchamp & Rebecca White
Edited By: Chris Beauchamp
Rating: PG
Genre: Drama
"The character of Daniel was influenced from my own personal life. The character deals with many situations that i personally went through when i was young and honestly still deal with now"
-Chris Beauchamp
The Idea Of Daniel
"In the first film, Believe, Daniel learned how to never give up on his goals and always learn how to keep pushing forward to reach that goal, even if that goal is as crazy as running from Arizona to California. In this film, we see Daniel now struggling with the concept of moving on from a tragedy and how to find closure. You see him facing depression and trying to leave everything behind because he feels that he doesn't deserve to have the life he has. I think this film stands on its own and you don't need to see the first one to understand this one"
-Chris Beauchamp
The Rise & Fall Of Daniel

Chris Beauchamp-Daniel
Jim Shea-Uncle George
Josephine Beauchamp-Grandma
Adele Shea-Daniel's Boss
Kendra Baltins-Security
Jennifer Baker-Worker #1
Phyllis Rexroat-Worker #2
Director/Writer/Editor-Chris Beauchamp
Camera Work-Chris Beauchamp & Rebecca White
Thank You Grandma
"Grandma, if you are reading this, i wanted to say thank you for being there throughout the filming process and providing an amazing performance that i will never forget. You are an amazing human being that i love with all my heart and always will. I hope that you feel better in the next few months and that you enjoyed the movie. Thank you for supporting, loving me and helping me achieve my dream. I wouldn't be the person i am today without you and your wonderful things you always say to me and my family. Love you Grandma."
-Chris Beauchamp